Stop Wishin'....Go Fishin'!!!
Quit Wishin'...Go Fishin'!!! 
The Association is dedicated for the purpose of promoting saltwater fishing and conservation of our local fishing waters for all to enjoy!
How we got here.......

     Back in the Winter of 2003-2004, two fishing buddies got together at the Myrtle Beach Boat Show and decided to try and start a fishing club in the North Strand area of Myrtle Beach, S. Carolina near the North Carolina/South Carolina state line.

     The talk was that fishing is a dying sport because a lot of kids who could be out fishing and enjoying our natural resources are "in" playing video games or because of city living don't get to go out in the fresh air much less fish. So it seemed that the ranks of the "old" fishermen are dwindling. They wanted to share their knowledge of saltwater fishing with others in the community as well as with the kids.

     So after getting help from an established club in the Murrells Inlet area they soon became four fishing buddies, then ten, then twenty and so on until the club had upwards of 70 members! And that is how the Seacoast Anglers Association was born.

     The club is now well established in the community, doing projects like recycling monofilament fishing line, beach & waterway cleanups, helping to build the Jim Caudle Reef, taking Disabled Veterans fishing, and many more projects. It is a very active club and its members have many social activities associated with fishing as well. Our meetings feature a Guest Speaker to give a seminar on a marine or fish related subject.

     Join us for the fun of being with people with the same interests as you!

Mission Statement

The mission of the Seacoast Anglers Association of North Myrtle Beach and Little River, South Carolina (North Strand Coastal area) is to share knowledge and teach the basics of saltwater fishing to our members. Also we promote water, fishing and boating safety as well as promoting ocean and wildlife conservation in our community.

Most of all, we share this with the youngsters in our area through our "HOOK A Kid On Fishing" program where we introduce youngsters to the sport of fishing.

We are a non-profit corporation under Internal Revenue Code (IRC) Section 501 (c) (3). Donors can deduct contributions and donations they make to us under IRC Section 170 to the extent allowed by the Internal Revenue Service.

Please help us with our “HOOK a Kid on Fishing” program with your donation.

Checks should be made out to:

Seacoast Anglers Association

PO Box 510

North Myrtle Beach, SC 29597


Benefits Our Club Members Enjoy

- Monthly meetings every third Monday of the month.

- Meetings include seminars by local fishing experts and Charter Captains, and "How-To" clinics.

- A monthly newsletter, THE ANCHOR, informs our members of lastest fishing news and events as well as SAA news.

- Affiliation with BoatUS. 50% Membership discount & discounts at marinas on fuel, repairs, on-the-water towing services & marine insurance. Also rebates at BoatUS and West Marine stores.

- Enjoy a 5 cent per gallon discount on fuel at Harbourgate Resort & Marina  with SAA membership card.

- Enjoy a 10 cent per gallon discount on fuel at Myrtle Beach Marina  with SAA membership card

 - A 12-month 40 Species Fishing Leader Board for club members only.

- "In-House" fishing tournaments 8x a year, Spring thru Fall, members only.

- Group trips to seminars, fishing trips, points of interest, etc.
- Enjoy associating with people with the same interests as you.

- Be part of an organization that supports conservation of marine life.


