Stop Wishin'....Go Fishin'!!!
Quit Wishin'...Go Fishin'!
Remember When You Caught Your First Fish?

Benjamin Franklin said, "Tell me and I forget, Teach me and I may remember, Involve me and I learn". 

We share this with the youngsters in our area through our "HOOK A Kid On Fishing" program in which we take groups of kids fishing on boats or pier fishing. Our Association has partnered with The Freedom Boat Club of North Myrtle Beach and we pay for a half-day trip on a boat for bottom fishing activities for kids free of charge. 

Many of these children come from local churchs or youth groups in the North Myrtle Beach and Little River area. Most have never had the experience of fishing in our ocean or creeks.

Since 2006 when we started this program in this area, we have taken over 1000 kids fishing. With the help of our sponsors and contributors, this year we hope to take some more kids fishing.

We have many more groups of kids that would like to experience our ocean and we need contributions and sponsors to do so. We have to turn away several children because of lack of funds every year.


We are a non-profit corporation under Internal Revenue Code (IRC) Section 501 (c) (3).

All donors can deduct contributions and donations they make to us under IRC Section 170 to the extent allowed by law.


Please help us with our HOOK a Kid on Fishing program with your donation.

Checks should be made out to:

Seacoast Anglers Association

PO Box 510

North Myrtle Beach, SC 29597

 Participant documents can be downloaded HERE:

Participant Instructions

Group Application

Liability Release

Our main source for funds to do all this comes from sponsors and contributors. Major sponsors of our "HOOK A Kid On Fishing" program are:
Freedom Boat Club